HIGHLANDKIDS exists to see children come to a saving knowledge of Christ that will lead to a life of faith as we plant, water, and grow the seed of the gospel. This will be accomplished through purposeful curriculum, intentional relationships, and partnering with families.
"I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth."
~ 1 Corinthians 3:6
Kid's Ministries are offered on Sundays & Wednesdays. On Sundays we offer nursery and Sunday School through 3rd grade offered at the 9am and 10:45am services. On Wednesdays we offer nursery as well as the Awana program for toddlers (2yrs old) through 6th grade from 6:30-8pm.
Questions? • Contact our Family Pastor
Nathan Anderson • nanderson@hbcwestminster.com
HIGHLANDCityKidz is an outreach for elementary age children that meets once a week for about an hour “on the streets” and in neighborhoods during the months of May through September. Children are invited to participate in an exciting program that includes character-building activities, fun games and music, and creative Bible lesson presentations. Groceries are given out each week all year long to families that are in need. Our goal is to help children grow into all God would have them to be.
Questions? • Contact the church office
HIGHLANDSTUDENTS exists to support parents in the discipleship of their students and to equip students for the work of ministry. Our goal is to see young people establish themselves upon the Word of God, personalize their faith, and grow in passion, both for the glory and mission of God and for the salvation of the souls of men. We accomplish this by sharing not only the Gospel but our lives as well. Youth Group is on Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm.
Questions? • Contact our Youth Pastor!
Wes Andrews • wandrews@hbcwestminster.com
HIGHLANDYOUNGADULTS – Ask any believer what period in their life made the greatest impact in determining the course they would take for the rest of their lives, and most would say between the ages of 18-30. These years are crucial in the formation of any Christ-follower. Our Young Adult ministry, aka "The Underground," invites singles and young couples in this age range for fellowship, worship, and Bible study at Pastor Sam's house twice a month on Thursday nights from 7-9pm. Connect with us on Instagram for more info.
Questions? Contact our Adult Ministries Pastor!
Sam Porges • sporges@hbcwestminster.com
HIGHLANDWOMEN seeks to support, guide, and inspire each woman to grow deeper in her love for Christ, His Word, her family, and others.
The women meet on the second Saturday of each month at the church for InSight. This is a ministry for moms.
Senior ladies Potluck and Fellowship
First Thursday of the month at 10:30am
Contact Christine Calkins for more information.
Questions? Contact our Women's Director
Hallie Gardner • hgardner@hbcwestminster.com

Our men’s ministry exists to foster a desire within our men to know God deeply through the study and application of His Word so that they become the husbands, fathers, and leaders that the Lord has called them to be. During the summer, we meet for weekly Bible study every Wednesday night from 6:30-8pm. We also have a once a month opportunity to serve in Helping Hands a ministry to widows.
Questions? Contact our Adult Ministries Pastor
Sam Porges • sporges@hbcwestminster.com
At Highland, we believe that church is family. Being a Christian goes beyond Sunday morning services and involves life-on-life discipleship with one another, especially at home and around the dinner table. We want to know and be known by each other in a deep and meaningful way. That’s why a vital part of Highland's ministry is Connect Homes, a home-based small group ministry that meets once a month! Every third Sunday night of the month from 5:00-7:30, homes that are spread throughout the north Denver metro area open their doors for fellowship, dinner, and discipleship. Each home is overseen by our elders and includes a potluck dinner, communion, and prayer. We encourage you and your family to find a Connect Home and cultivate lasting friendships with other Highlanders, and we pray that you would be blessed as you do!
Questions? Contact Danny Gardner
Danny Gardner • dgardner@hbcwestminster.com


Mission - To promote recovery, healing, and discovery through authentic connection with others and through the redemptive power of the gospel.
When We Meet - Bridges Ministry meets Every 1st Monday, from 6:30 - 7:30pm, Every 3rd Monday, from 6:30 - 7:30pm at the Highland Baptist campus in the west hall. You can also join either of these virtually here: Video call link: https://meet.google.com/asq-dqnw-wsr
Or dial: +1 570-915-0188 PIN: 846247394
Questions? Contact our TEAM!
bridges team • bridges@hbcwestminster.com
“Thrive” is our midweek Bible study on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00. Our goal at Thrive is to fully equip Highlanders for every good work by getting to know God's Word well (2 Tim. 3:16-17). When we know the Bible intimately, we can also know God, ourselves, and our purpose intimately. This is why we are going spending 3 years, from 2024-2027, tracing God's story from Genesis to Revelation and into church history. We are reclaiming our biblical responsibility to train and educate our people in the Word.
If your desire is to grow in your relationship with God and live more powerfully for Him, then we invite you to join us in Thrive! Additionally, we invite you to join Thrive’s “Equipping Track”—our certificate-level study that involves minor homework each week and end-of-semester projects. This work won’t be graded, but is simply for your benefit and self-assessment. If you would like to join, you will need to buy Paul R. House's book Old Testament Theology, which you can buy here. We are so excited to begin this journey through the Bible with you!
Questions? Contact our Adult Ministries Pastor
Sam Porges • thrive@hbcwestminster.com