Today at Highland Baptist Church, Pastor Danny Gardner's sermon was from Luke 12:22-34. This passage is a reminder that if we truly trust God, then we have no need to worry over tomorrow.
As much as we have, compared to past generations, the more we worry about food and fashion. We should be the most carefree society ever, yet drug abuse, alcoholism, and suicide are more of a problem than ever before. Worry misunderstands God's promise. His divine promise is that when we live for him, he will take care of our daily needs. Worry misunderstands God's provision.
Jesus willingly died for us. He will certainly provide our daily needs. Worry misunderstands God's pleasure. God enjoys providing for us. The more wealth we have and hoard, the less we put our dependance on God. Wealth disappears. The promise of God is eternal. Worry is a waste of time. Most things we worry over never occur. Worry about tomorrow takes away the joy of today. Relax.
Put your confidence in the life to come.
~ Clarence Kraft